Friday, August 14, 2009

I truly have nothing to say here, but am trying to remember (thanks to someone reminding me that I actually HAVE a Blogger acct) to post on some kind of regular basis.
With a life that's slowed down as much as mine has, it takes a bit of thinking to find something interesting. SO, I dicided that the only way to post interesting is to BE interesting. I've made a comittment, upon our return from the gulf this week - to get my house in order (literally - no euphamisms (
I need to stop talking about making art and actually MAKE some. I plan to start getting up in time to check the newspaper for estate sales so I can shop for ephemera for collage making, and just to remember what morning really feels like. (and maybe beat the critters to my vegetables)

Speaking of which, the long awaited tomatoes are beginning to ripen. We'll miss many of them, but some will be here when we get back. AND, when I get my house in order, I'm sure my camera will turn up so I can post photos of them on LJ. Since we need to stop by the pharmacy on our way out of town, I think I'll just buy a small inexpensive digi camera at Walgreens, or we'll get one in Destin. Dunno which, but I want to take photos of the gulf, and I WILL need a camera to do so.

So, I guess this is a post of some sort, isn't it...the 'vapor post', words with no real substance.


  1. I'm sorry I've not commented sooner, you were away from here for a while and so I got out of the habit of checking in.
    I can "hear" in this post and also in your posts on LJ that you are begining to come to life after a long hibernation. I know exactly how that feels! Whilst I have hit a snag in the river flow so to speak, I'm hoping you will continue to experience the joy of actually wanting to do things like art and growing veggies! It's wonderful to hear your happiness. I'd love to give you a big hug, but as I'm so far away a virtual *hug* will have to do.

  2. Oh sweet friend, I just now found this and it's made me so happy to read. You are right, I was in a deep dark place for quite a while and couldn't find my way out, which is the way of those of us burdened with chemical imbalances in our brains. My doctor adjusted my medications, twice and now I feel like we have it right.
    No more 'rapid cycling' I hope for a very long time. I don't know why God gave me this 'basket' to carry. It didn't really start to get heavy until I began taking birth control pills when I got married. But when I got off them, things leveled out a bit, then, after my mother died I had a nervous breakdown and now, there are times I can be as fragile as a baby. I am grateful I have a husband who, is my knight, even though he doesn't 'get it', he knows when he needs to hold me up. He saw evidence of how fragile I can be on our recent trip to the Florida coast.
    Well, that's enough chatter, I am just ever so glad you are here with me, Chris. I truly am.
    And one day, we will meet face to face. I know we will.
    Love ya, Pam.

  3. I'm really glad you have levelled out. And a caring partner is such a help during the dark and fragile times.
    It's so easy to make a shell to hid into, like a hermit crab! But it's very hard to come out of it into the scary real world. I applaud you for your decision to go to NYC to visit with your son. I'm betting it will be just the boost your confidence needs.
    Love ya back!

  4. I'm expecting it to either show that, at 57, I can no longer learn new tricks, or it will open my hermit crab shell and give me wings. I pray that it's the latter. I just hope I don't try to get all chatty with everyone who stands still long enough for me to speak to them. I get reaaaaally stupid when I do that. lol
