Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This is a test.

Traditions's my youngest sons 30th birthday soon. And his brother, despite all he's been doing has managed to cook up a wonderful surprise for him. Adam and his girlfriend 'dicided' to come home to celebrate turning 30 with his dad and me, and all his friends here in Memphis, and his only remaining grandparent, his Papaw, will be coming here for lunch on Sunday.
The party is on Saturday night, but all Adam knows is that he'll be meeing up at one particular friends house where all his friends will be gathering for a potluck.
Or, maybe he doesn't know it's a potluck...I dunno all the details really, all I know is that I am making 'birthday dessert'. I'm making his favorite dessert - Key Lime Pie, three of them, maybe four, the lovely pastry crusts I bought are quite small. AND, I'll be making an Italian Cream Cake, which is new to me and I am not a baker. But I wanted to do a traditional southern cake to make his birthday unique, and afterall, he will need to put candles somewhere so he can blow them out, right?
I am so excited that my sons are going to be home this weekend. I never imagined how wonderful it feels, when they're grown, for them to come home. My parents always seemed like they couldn't wait for us to leave when we'd go visit, so I never saw evidence of what I feel with my sons.
And then in October I am going to visit Adam and Adina, and see Dan when we can get together, for Halloween in NYC! And the most unique party is that I Am Going Alone! This will be quite an adventure for me. Mike has always been so over protective, because I get so flustered and needy. But I am determined not to be that person this time, I need this trip as much to gain some faith in myself as much as I do to visit my sons, AND "The City" for my favorote holiday of the year.
I'll post here again about what happened when I get back. I hope to meet up with three wonderful friends I've made on LiveJournal. I must not forget to pack my camera to document those monumental occasions.
Since I am, once again, persona no grata (sp?) with the inlaws, I will be spending Thanksgiving Day cooking a meal for my family for the day after Thanksgiving. They will be at Mike's sister's house with his Dad and the ingorant sisters and their families. I will be perfectly happy cooking with wonderful quiet in my house.
So, while I may be alone for Thanksgiving Day, I will NOT be for Christmas. We are going to Edisto Beach, which is located on the Carolina coast between Charleston, SC, one of the most beautiful southern cities I have ever seen in my life, and Savannah, GA another city known for her traditions and history.
I'll be taking lots of photos at Christmas, for sure and share them with all my blog readers here, and my friends on Live Journal and Facebook.
I know this post was not one about Ouiser and southern traditions and events, but it kind of is, because southern families are crazier than betsy bugs and I married into one of the craziest. And THAT's saying a lot because my daddy's family, over the years, have raised crazy to a high art.