Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FINALLY - A Short Trip to the Sea!

It's late summer here in the Mid-South, our garden has only pole beans, and an heirloom speckled bean left in it, as well as the tomatoes that I was so late in planting. Everything else will be turned into mulch/compost soon so we can plant some leafy greens and heirloom varietries of winter squash. (which actually should probably already be in the ground)
The cucumbers were delicious, as was the fresh yellow squash.
I've been meaning to post photos of the variety of heirloom tomatoes that we planted late but are now thriving. They're filled with little green globes of potential. Mike let me eat the first red one, and it was, as expected, a taste of heaven.
I think I heard a chorus of Angels with southern accents sing a harmony of Halelujah when the first juicy bite hit the back of my tongue.
Why yes, I DO consider a warm, ripe tomato the southern American version of Manna from Heaven. (apologies to all my Jewish Friends).
It's a shame that we'll miss some of them while we're out of town next week, but those that ripen and dry up on the vine will be gathered for their seeds to use next season. Yes, I am learning about the value and importance of keeping heirloom varieties of plants available to growers, but that's grim stuff that Ouiser and I will tell you about another time.

(Lordy, the way I phrased that makes it sound as if I truly think Ouiser is a real person in my life. Relax, she's just a mental plaything for the sake of this blog and in honor of one of my favorite Southern themed movies about female friendships.)

The reason for posting to you tonight, besides the fact that it's been a while, and you may have wondered what happened to me is some good news,
The at BIG job Mike had spent the last month+ getting prices on so he could hand over the final price to the owners is over. I was feeling like a widow. BUT,
We are FINALLY going on a vacation! Since I don't like to vacation during the months when school is not in session, because, basically, I cannot bear other peoples ill-bred children. Makes this all the sweeter. School resumed last week in Tennessee, as well as most of the Mid-South.
Now, don't get me wrong, I know the difference between children who are given space to be themselves and experiment - on a short leash, and children who are allowed to batter each other, be disruptive and be let loose to be just plain brats, causing chaos wherever they go. My sons were kept on a short leash and I saw similar parenting when an internet friend visited me this spring from Massachusetts. Seeing her do what I did (but WAY better) only served to underscore that keeping kids on a short reign doesn't have to stifle their wonderful personalities. It allows them the freedom to trust themselves and to respect others.
Then, sadly, there's the second category (the kind who make me avoid vacationing during the summer). They include my husband's sisters' grandchildren who are being raised (as my dear mama would've said)
'like a pack of little hethans'!

But I digress, which is my usual state of being when I type. Digression, I should look up that word?
Anyhoo...we are leaving on Friday, as soon as the Animal Hospital where w are boarding the dogs, opens it's doors. And then we'll hit the highway heading south to what is commonly referred to as:

THE REDNECK RIVIERA. (I kid you not!)
AKA, the Gulf Coast, specifically, Destin, Fla.

We made these plans so late that all we were able to get with our timeshare points was a studio condo, I guess we're not the only old people who don't want to vacation where illbred children may be running around with no supervision. (I now know why American's get such a bum rap in Europe, it's the lack of proper parenting of the American rugrats. Who do we think we ARE?)

At least the studio condo supposedly has a kitchen. But Mike snores like a grizzly bear which always worries me that I won't sleep unless there are not separate beds with walls between them for us.
But I'm betting that smelling ocean air, and walking the beach will relax both of us to the point that no one snores and restful sleep will be had by all. Hopefully there's a screened balcony and we can fit a blow up mattress and my pillow in the trunk.)
We'll see.
If I can fit my computer bag into the car I will post from there. After all, he'll maintain control of the TV changer, and we all know it's still baseball season, and "Pammie don't do" sports on TV.

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