Thursday, October 22, 2009

Southern Boys in New York City

Hello my friends, I wanted to post here before I leave for NYC on Tuesday of next week. I got this 'bee in my bonnet' about two things,
1- Going for Halloween and 2- Going by myself. I love Halloween, if you don't know, and I have a feeling that NYC does it up right.
As for going by myself, I'll be staying with Adam because Dan lives in a 6 floor walk-up, and let's admit it, 'Pammie don't do stairs'.
So, Adam and Adina are kindly welcoming me to their second floor place, AND, letting me have the bed! Bless their sweet little hearts. I'm sure that sleeping on a futon after a few days will have them all grumpy. If all else fails I'll find out where the cheapest (albeit safe) rooms are to rent, OR, I can just change my return date and come on home.

I leave on the 27th, and have tickets for the 31st to see Wicked! with Dan, and dinner afterward with Adam and Adina.
On the 30th, I am hoping things work out for BethNoLastName to take the train from Trenton to spend the day.
On Sunday Nov 1st my friend Joy and I are going to meet up for something or other. She's going to be in town job hunting. She has always wanted to move back to NY from LA and things have worked out so she can, and I want to celebrate that with her.
If I can make it work I want to go to Long Island and visit with Lori and her girls.We're trying to work out the logistics since she doesn't have a car to do a train or bus pick-up. I'm sure we'll get it done.
In between all this wonderfulness of people I want to see as many art museums as my body will allow. I want to do some shopping in places that have nothing remotely like them here in the Memphis area. OR, I may buy nothing at all, and just take a gabillion photographs, afterall, that's where I get MY art done when I'm traveling.
I cannot believe Mike is allowing me to do this. I don't know if he is wanting to prove to me that I can't handle it, or is excited that I truly want to grow as a person and stop being a Cowardly Lion. There are days I waffle between which I believe, but I think, based on his inate kindness, he is hoping I do some growing in spunk and spirit by doing this. (I do too.)

I do hope I get an experience like Adina did earlier this week. She was at work, a restaurant with a coffee shop just outside. Sean Connery walked in to get something to drink. She was beside herself with disappointment that he didn't walk all the way into the space where she was working. I loved that he rattled her. Shes so cute.
One time we passed Spike Lee on a sidewalk, but it was getting dark, he had on a hoodie, and when I told Adam who I'd seen he asked which way Mr Lee had gone, I pointed and from that POV it was just a sea of the backs of people of all sizes, and Spike Lee is just short enough to get lost in a crowd.
I'm secretly hoping Joy introduces me to her best friend, an actor. He was in Animal House, but has done much better work since then. He writes, produces, and directs. Of course, I'll probably make a fool of myself if she does, and if I do she'll NEVER forgive me.

Hugs, all, it's past my bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's going to be a very busy visit! How exciting that you're going to meet up with Beth and hopefully Lori too! All my favourite people in one place!
    I think it's terrific that you are going to New York by yourself, but once you're there you'll have your boys nearby should you need them. But I have this feeling that you are going to surprise everyone, even yourself, with your boldness!
    Have a wonderful time Pam. xx
